Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Baseball

Spring is here, and baseball feveris in the air! Ethan & Luke decided to play ball this year! Ethan's Team is the Dodgers! Luke is the Cubs! 
Luke says that his team is the Good guy's  team, &  Ethan's team are the Bad guys! What is has come down to, is that any team besides his own are the BAD Guys!  Whether they win or loose, he thinks they always win, and that they are going to get a Huge trophy at the end of the season! He is so funny! We just let him go with that positive, yet delusional, attitude!In reality they have only won 1 game. Steadily improving. The thing about baseball is that it is a TEAM sport. So you can't win with just a few good players. They do have a good time though.It is a learning experience. For many, it is a first for playing baseball! He loves playing, and has really been improving on his catching & hitting. We believe that Luke will play for seasons to come!

As for Ethan, they are definately in a differant league! In more ways than 1! Currently they hold the Title of #1 in their division! GO DODGERS! They are a really good team. They all work well together, good team effort. They have great coaches, and 2 really good Team moms.This is all new for Ethan. He really likes playing, and enjoys  seeing his improvement. He is the youngest on his team. Everybody else, but 2 others boys have played for years. He isn't worried, he just gets out there & does his very best! It is alway very exciting at his games! These boys play so well, it is hard to believe they are only 9 & 10!

So with all the fun of baseball, our weeks are filled with practices & exciting games! We spend a goid amount of Family Time at the Baseball Diamond! We are delighted that these memories will be planted to grow for Lifetime of beautiful memories!